Friday, February 10, 2017

The Hermit is Busy as Hell.

I've been spending so much time with the Facebook page, but also just with juggling bookings and jobs, that I've hardly been HERE lately! Oh yeah, I have a blog!

A few days ago, I was driving down a road, and all but 2 of the street lights were on. I was heightened, running an errand I didn't particularly want to be running... and as I drove under those 2 lights, they turned on... one at a time. It made me grin, and give a nod to my Guides and Gods.

"Remember, in all things, there is magic, you ARE magic."

I feel in so many ways, I've been hermitting up... but I'm busy as hell. (you know, as busy as I feel like hell would be, if I believed in hell. ha!)

The next 2 weeks I have 2 house parties, a handful of readings, and all the rest of my days are booked solid with Reflexology.

I just did readings at an event, with the Huronia Museum in Little Lake Park, Midland Ontario. That even is always a great turnout and a good time. But ever since I've done it, everything is exploding. I need some self care!

I'm also opening up some hours on Sunday to get to the readings that I'm unable to do during the week, due to the Reflexology schedule.


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